
Tec Dudes

Today was quite a challenging day! One of those typical moments that teachers face every now and then. It was tough bidding farewell to the kids whom I've been with for the past few months. I've been fortunate to serve as the math teacher to a wonderful group of students from hashtag # Mexico for the past few months, and I must say, I fell in love with them right from the start of the course. While we had to put in a lot of effort to build our confidence in tackling math problems, the journey we embarked on together has been incredible. I believe we all take pride in what we've accomplished. Let me be candid with you. Math, to me, is merely a pretext. The true objective is to connect with these young individuals from diverse backgrounds across the globe. As they gradually begin to miss their loved ones back home, I find myself empathizing with them, having experienced similar feelings of longing for my own family in Iran. Creating meaningful connections during classroom a
One of the hardest parts of being a teacher is interacting with many people per day. I’m sure many of us love where we work (otherwise, every single moment of that would be a disaster), however, it rarely happens to meet/work with more than 50 individuals a day without having a controversial discussion. I believe we teachers need to learn how to deal with the negativity exposed in such moments. We should protect our soul from anything harmful mentioned by a colleague, student, or other school employees. But the key question is how? 1. Although it sounds something obvious, I want to remind you that every one of us must have a profound reason on why we are doing this job. An inspiring backup which pushes us forward in tough moments, when things get disgusting. As a Middle Easterner, I know how important it is to spread the education culture all over the world, and this is exactly my first goal to wake up early in the morning and get ready to go to work. I love to educate people and to g

Tre Suggerimenti Personali Per 2024

  Prima di iniziare il nuovo anno, è un'ottima opportunità per apportare nuovi cambiamenti positivi nella nostra vita. Di seguito, condivido tre suggerimenti personali. 1. Rapporti tossici: Per aumentare la quantità di positività, sarebbe molto utile cercare innanzitutto di ridurre il livello di negatività. Sicuramente, un modo migliore per farlo è allontanarsi dalle persone negative. Non c'è bisogno di essere in contatto con tutti, soprattutto con coloro che non condividono nulla tranne uno stile di vita insano. A volte è necessario essere selettivi e dovremmo avere delle regole chiare per accettare le persone come amici. Forse per alcuni c'è un discorso morale su se sia giusto lasciare sole le persone che hanno bisogno della nostra presenza. Sì, è vero! Ma è molto importante capire che ogni cosa come l'amicizia ha i suoi limiti e oltre un certo punto diventa insensato. 2. Sacrificio: Viviamo in un mondo in cui siamo costantemente bombardati con il successo altrui. B

About Chandler

Some individuals transcend both time and place with their art, words, and perspectives. They etch a lasting mark on the world. Upon hearing the news of the loss of a beloved TV show personality, my heart momentarily swelled with sadness. To be honest, I scarcely knew him by his given name; I had always known him as Chandler from "Friends." His natural humor, his enchanting love story with Monica, and the hilarious moments shared with his roommate, Joey, brought immeasurable joy not only to my life but also to countless others across the globe. Some of us weren't even born when the show first aired in the 1990s, but now we hold him dear as one of our favorite personalities from perhaps the most renowned TV show of all time. His appeal transcended the American audience of '90s cable TV programs. He made his mark on the world, and though he is no longer with us, Chandler lives on through the positive impact he had on our lives. In a world where anger and hatred often dom

Esplorando "Cercando Alaska": Alla ricerca del Grande Forse

Esplorando "Cercando Alaska": Alla ricerca del Grande Forse By Francesca Silvia Aversano   " Cercando Alaska " è il romanzo d'esordio di John Green , autore acclamato per opere come "Città di carta" e "Colpa delle stelle", pubblicato nel marzo del 2005. Il protagonista di questa storia è Miles Halter, un sedicenne introverso ossessionato dalle ultime parole pronunciate da personaggi famosi prima di morire. La sua passione lo porta a divorare biografie alla ricerca del significato di quelle parole. In una di queste letture, Miles scopre il concetto del Grande Forse, un'idea che lo spinge a intraprendere un viaggio inedito: trasferirsi a Culver Creek per studiare in un nuovo ambiente. Nella scuola, Miles stringe subito amicizia con tre ragazzi straordinari: Chip Martin, soprannominato "il colonnello", il suo coinquilino e presto suo miglior amico; Takumi Hikohito; e Alaska Young. Alaska viene descritta come una ragazza intelligent

The Power of Small Steps:

Lack of Progress: There are moments when I'm hit by an overwhelming sense of not making any headway in life. It's a feeling that creeps up on me, and it's a sensation I find disappointing. As humans, we tend to become accustomed to our routines, and our brains often keep us in our comfort zones for extended periods. Consider the many people who reside in the same place, follow the same daily routines, and essentially live in a repetitive mode for years, or even decades, without any significant changes. While living comfortably is good and allows us to enjoy life without unnecessary stress, I strongly believe that a life devoid of new journeys would be monotonous, devoid of meaning, and ultimately pointless. This is precisely why I abhor getting trapped in a daily routine for an extended period. This doesn't mean I'm an indecisive person; rather, I think that to maintain an interesting and fulfilling life, we must always retain our spirit of exploration and willingn

Improving My Italian: A Simple and Effective Method

Being an ex-pat in Milan,Italy , I've developed a method to enhance my Italian language skills. Step 1/ Book Selection:   I begin by selecting a classic book, preferably one with fewer than 200 pages.  Step 2/ Initial Listening:  As my mother tongue is Persian, I first listen to the Persian audio version of the chosen book on YouTube. This initial exposure helps me become familiar with the book's content. Step 3/ Transition to Italian:  Once I've grasped the book's essence, I switch to the Italian audio version. Typically, I focus on the first 30 minutes of the book during this phase. Repeatedly listening to this portion is key as it helps the material stick in my memory. Step 4/ Reading Aloud:  I borrow the physical book from the Milan city library and embark on a slow, deliberate reading. I find it enjoyable to read out loud, which aids in improving my pronunciation and fluency. Step 5/ ChatGPT Assistance:  To further enrich my vocabulary and understanding, I utilize